Kuapa Kokoo KKSys: Help Files
Under this link system-specific help for KKSys has been added, particularly for particular rapid-entry-grids and systems.
For more general information about how to use KKSys please review general help-items on the Orixa website which detail how to use the features of Orixa Apps, and how to extend and develop them.
Full PDF Files of the web-site pages
Section 1 Database Definitions.pdf
Section 2 User Guide and Help.pdf
Video Tutorials
KK Installation Walk through
Link to view on Youtube
ICO System Walk through
Link to view on Youtube
KKFU Mapping and Questionnaire Walk through
Link to view on Youtube
Teleagric Video Walk through
Link to view on Youtube
Questionnaire Creation Walk through
Link to view on Youtube
1. KKSys Database Definition Documentation
1. Society related database elements
2. Farmer related database elements
3. Questionnaire related database elements
4. KKFU related database elements
5. Summaries and Conclusions about Database definitions
6. The cloud API, its standards and operation
1. The Inspection/Questionnaires data-entry system
2. Creating a new Questionnaire
3. KKSys Rapid Entry Grids and Forms
1. Societies Membership Update Form
2. Farmer Deliveries Rapid Entry Grid
4. Membership Updates Dashboard
5. KKFU System Installation and database management
3. KKSys Database Access: Frequent Issues Check-sheet
4. Managing AGIS Inspection Data Importation
5. Working with the "Import AGIS Data" and "Import Mapping" Screens