Farm Fields


The FarmFields data-table holds data for the physical plots of land owned by farmers. Each FarmField record includes a "SocietiesID" and a "FarmersID" to link the record to the main data-entities of KKSys.

The FarmFields data-table includes data-fields for the size of the plot and its geo-location (latitude and longitude). It also includes several other data-fields, such as DateAcquired, MajorSeasonYield, MinorSeasonYield etc., which are used by KKFU staff in some circumstances.

A full listing of all the fields in the data-table with their purposes and any automation built into the App is laid out below. To fully understand the purpose of the data-fields please consult this.

How and where to access Farm Fields data

The image below shows the "FarmFields" Edit Form. This is accessed as a child of the Inspections entity.

FarmFields Edit Form  

Note that the layout of this edit form may have changed if it has been updated by your administrator, and additional actions, reports or resources may have been added.

How access to FarmFields works in practice in KKSys

Because large numbers of Farm-fields records must be added, together with other data relating to things like the cocoa a Farmer has delivered, Dues they have paid to KKFU etc., automated systems have been built to enable staff to enter data into multiple entities simulataneously using Rapid-data-entry-grids

To understand thes more fully please consult the following links:

Farmer Deliveries Rapid Entry Grid

Dynamic Pascal-Scripting in Orixa: Adding a Resource to create Rapid-Entry-Grids in your App

The existance of these Rapid data-entry grids does not remove any of the usual functionality of edit-forms within KKSys. All records that hae been inserted automatically using a rapid-entry process can also be reviewed and updated in their edit-forms, and added to any reporting that management require.

Data-schema: full details of the data-fields and their purpose in the FarmFields data-table

Field- Name / Data-type

Description / Purpose

Possible Values

Coding / Automation

ID (Primary Key) Unique number which identifies each record.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
SocietiesID (Link-ID) Links to the Societies tableSelected from list by UserWill default to the currently open Societies ID
FarmersID (Link-ID) Links to the Farmers tableSelected from list by UserWill default to the currently open Farmers ID
DateDone (Date) Date of data-gatheringEntered by userDefaults to the current date
DateAcquired (Date) Date the farmer purchased / acquired the landEntered by user
DateSold (Date) Date the farmer sold the landEntered by user
PlotCode (Text) If the farmer has any code, name or number used to describe the plot, enter thatEntered by user
AcreageCertified (Number) Self ExplanitoryAny number value
AcreageCocoa (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
AcreageTotal (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
MajorSeasonYield (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
MinorSeasonYield (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
TotalYield (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
YieldEstimate (Number) Self Explanitory Any number value
Latitude (Number) Geo-location pointAny number value
Longitude (Number) Geo-location pointAny number value
FarmMapped (true/false) Self Explanitory True / false
DateCreated (Timestamp) Set to the exact date and time the record was first created.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
Current (true/false) Untick this field if the record is out-dated, no longer in use or discontinued.True / false