The Inspection/Questionnaires data-entry system 

A sub-system has been added to the KK ICO System specifically to make the addition of Inspection and Questionnaire data of all types easier to achieve.
Please review the following document for guidence on how to use this system.

Accessing the Inspection / Questionnaires system

Showing the Inspections/Questionnaire form  

To view the system, click on the "Show Insp/Qnaire Form" button. The system will open, showing a new blank Inspection record. Note that the system has 5 main pages: Inspections, Farmers, FarmFields, Answers and Signature. The purpose of these pages is described below.

Areas of the Inspection / Questionaires Form "Inspections"

Details of the main screen of the Inspections/Questionnaire form  

  1. Main window of the new form, with 5 pages visible. Note: Some of these pages may not be visible once data-entry starts, depending on whthe types of data required by particular Questionnaire.
  2. ID field. Note that this field is blank until the "Add New Inspection" button is clicked, or the "Previous Inspections button (marked with "...") is clicked.
  3. The Previous Inspections button. Click here and a new inspection record will be added to the database.
  4. QuestionnairesID. After adding a new inspection, the user can select the Questionnaire they wish to undertake from the list.
  5. Add New Inspection button. Click here to add a new inspection record to the database.
  6. Post Inspection Data button. Click here, after editing data to post the results of your work on this page to the database. If your work is entered correctly you will jump directly to the next required page, such as "Farmers" or "Answers".
  7. Add New Farmer button. Sometimes the farmer you are questioning will not be present in the database. If you have reviewed the list of farmers in the "Farmers ID" field and you cannot find the required farmer, then click here to add data for a new person/farmer.
  8. Post and go to add Answers. Click here to go directly to the "Answers" page, without updating the farmer or farm-field data.

Farmers data-entry page

Farmers data-entry page  

This page includes all the core data required by Kuapa Kokoo about the farmer. The user can review and cross-check this data with the farmer during this step of the questionnaire. They can confirm all the details, edit and update them. It is particularly important to check that an "IDCardNumber" is added, as this will be used to interface KKFU data with data from Cocobod.

Note that multiple phone numbers can be added for a farmer, these should be separated by commas, in the form:
0554234234, 0522543543.

Note: If fuller details about this farmer are needed, the farmer's main data-entry forms can be accessed by clicking the "View" button next to the farmer's name on the "Farmers" page.

Farmer-fields data-entry page

Farmer-Fields data-entry page  

This page is used to capture data about the actual farmer-fields owned or operated by a farmer

  1. Data entry fields from the prior page, Society, Inspection and farmer.
  2. DateDone
  3. Acreage and yield related fields: These can be set manually. Note that if the "Show Map for this field" button is used, the acreage may be computed by the mapping process.
  4. Latitude and longitude: These can be set by the user or set by using the "Show Map for this field" button.
  5. Add Farm Field button
  6. Delete Farm Field button
  7. Show Map for this field.

Most of these fields are self explanitory. If you click "Show map for this field" you will open the Mapping data entry form. Review how to use this in this topic:

Mapping Data in the Inspecitons/Questionnaires system

Mapping in the ICO System 

A full review of this process is covered in the following link:

Mapping Systems in KKSys

Adding "Answers" on the Answers data-entry page

The Answers page is designed to show a user interface displaying the Questions for the currently selected Questionnaire and allow the user to add Answer data. The user can click between Questions and see data-entry fields at the bottom of the page for entry of answers. 
The system is built to include a number of checks and tests to ensure that data is entered correctly, and to ensure that data is linked to the selected farmer, ensuring that all data is robust and traceability is really fully accomplished.

Answers data-entry 1: Main features of the page  

  1. Progress bar. This shows the total number of questions and the number of the current question
  2. Next Section button
  3. Next Question button
  4. Prior Section button
  5. Prior Question button
  6. Area for adding Answer data. This will vary for different questions, allowing entry of numbers, money-values, text, Yes/No answers, Dates etc.
  7. Optional "Note/Memo" field.




Answers data-entry 2: Optional "guidance" field, and Yes/No/NA answer options  

Features of the Answers data-entry page

  1. As the type of answer required is different a different set of answer options appears for the user.
  2. Note that questions can include optional "Guidence", giving the user suggestions for how answers can be picked.

Answers data-entry 3: Multiple choice answer and "Memo" field  

Features of the Answers data-entry page


  1. Options to select "one or more" answers.
  2.  Note that in some cases if a certain answer is selected the system will prompt the user to add a Note. In this case please enter the note here.


Signatures data-entry page

Questionnaire Signature Page  

Once all answers are completed, some Questionnaires demand the addition of a signature from the farmer.

  1. The "Signature" data-entry page.
  2. Screen area where the user can make a mark using the mouse or finger to create a signature.
  3. OK button will post the signature image to the database for storage.
  4. Clear button will blank off any signature allowing the user to try again if they are not happy with the current attempt.