

The Projects data-table holds data for a range of data-points relating to evaluations of the Societies and Zones KKFU work with. It is a child data-table which links to Societies.

It includes data-fields such as "MeetingsPerYear", to list the number of times the society members meet. Several of the fields are types list-fields allowing a rating to be selected such as "good" / "fair" / "poor" etc.

A full listing of all the fields in the data-table with their purposes and any automation built into the App is laid out below. To fully understand the purpose of the data-fields please consult this.

Note that this data-table was used for a period in the 2010's and has since stopped being used. It is still present in KKSys, and can be used again by KKFU staff at any point.

How and when to access Projects

The edit form is accessible from the child data-entity on the KKSys System Entities screen, and is shown below.

Projects Edit Form  

Note that the layout of this edit form may have changed if it has been updated by your administrator, and additional actions, reports or resources may have been added.


Field- Name and Data-type

Description / Purpose

Possible Values

Coding / Automation

ID (Primary Key) Unique number which identifies each record.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
SocietiesID (Link-ID) Links to the Societies tableSelected from list by UserWill default to the currently open Societies ID
FundersID (Link-ID) Links to the Types table, which contains a list of funded-projects, allowing reporting on projects by funder.Pick from list of possible Types values.
DateStarted (Date) Self explanitoryEntered by user
DateFinished (Date) Self explanitoryEntered by user
Budget (Currency Value) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
ProjectOfficersID (Link-ID) Links to the Staff tableSelected from list by User
SuccessRatingID (Link-ID) Links to the Types tablePick from list of possible Types values.
ProjectsTypeID (Link-ID) Links to the Types tablePick from list of possible Types values.
SanitationDiseaseImpactID (Link-ID) Links to the Types tablePick from list of possible Types values.
ReducesDistanceTravelledID (Link-ID) Links to the Types tablePick from list of possible Types values.
IncomeGeneration (true/false) Self explanitoryTrue / false Default value: false
DirectJobCreation (Number) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
InDirectJobCreation (Number) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
SchoolEnrollmentCount (Number) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
SchoolAttendencePercentage (Number) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
SchoolAcademicAttainmentID (Link-ID) Links to the Types tablePick from list of possible Types values.
DateCreated (Timestamp) Set to the exact date and time the record was first created.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
AuthorID (Integer) Self explanitoryAutomatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
Complete (true/false) Tick this field to lock the record so further editing is restricted.True / false Default value: false