Using the Description field of a Types record to Generate a value 

Where records contain a lot of repeated values, reusable values can be stored in a look-up field in the Types framework-table.
In this way, simply choosing the  value for a "TypeID" field will automatically pull through the value stores in the “Description” field of the Types framework-table.
This allows both number and longer text data to be stored in the "Types" framework-table and pulled into a Business-Object table reducing repetative keying of data by staff.
Care needs to be taken with this pattern of data-design, as GENERATED columns will automatically recompute when the data in a record changes. Therefore, if the Types value is updated, the linked field will also update.

How to implement this in Your App

BusinessObject Using "TypeValue" function  

  1. In the DB Utility in your App
  2. Click on the “BusinessObjects” heading. 
  3. Pick the ProductionCosts data-table. 
  4. View how the “UnitPrice” field is generated: By accessing a value using the “TypeValue” function. The SQL is: "UnitPrice" DECIMAL(19,4) GENERATED ALWAYS AS TypeValue(ProductionCostsTypeID)

How do I see what happens in the "TypeValue" Function? 

Reviewing the "TypeValue" function  

  1. Click on the “Functions/Procedures” heading. 
  2. Find the “TypeValue” Function. 
  3. The SQL Definition will show 

Notes about this SQL Definition

  DECLARE Crsr Cursor FOR Stmt;
   CAST(CAST("Description" as VARCHAR) as FLOAT) as aResult
   FROM Types WHERE ID = ?';
FETCH FIRST FROM Crsr('aResult') INTO Result;
RETURN Result;

Updating the Value Used in the Generation

This can be done for multiple values by opening the "Types" framework table.

Updating a Types / Description lookup value  

To update the Lookup value undertake the following steps

  1. Open the Types data-table.
  2. Find the row you wish to update
  3. The value can be updated directly.

You can also update the value directly from a record in your App by accessing the Types record, via the "View" button as shown below

Editing The Types Record directly from the BusinessObject  

  1. In the correct Edit Window, find a record with the TypeID value you want to update, and click the "View" button.
  2. The Types record will open and you can update the value.

What if I have entered some values wrongly and I want to update many records?

If a large number of records have been added to your system, without realizing that the UnitPrice should have been raised take the following steps:

  1. Update the value to the correct amount, as shown above.
  2. Find the range or ID’s or the range of dates for which you need to change the values, and run the SQL shown below.

Range of IDs

UPDATE ProductionCosts
SET DateCreated = DateCreated + INTERVAL ‘1’ SECOND
WHERE ID BETWEEN [enter low id]
         AND [enter high id] 

Range of dates

UPDATE ProductionCosts
SET DateCreated = DateCreated + INTERVAL ‘1’ SECOND
WHERE DateDone BETWEEN DATE ‘[enter low date in YY-MM-DD format]’
                AND DATE ‘[enter high date in YY-MM-DD format]’ 

How does this work?

The database runs the “GENERATION” process whenever the data in a row is updated. This means that “bumping” the “DateCreated” field by 1 second forces the “TypeValue” function to re-run. If the Value in the Description field has been updated, this will cause the recomputation of the UnitPrice field with the new value.

Note that if the data contains conditional statements (for example only running the Generation if a Complete Boolean field is false) then the SQL must ALSO "bump" the value of this field to ensure that Generation occurs.