Using Windows "Quick Assist" to allow assistance by Orixa staff for installations 

If there is a need to assist you with any issue in your Orixa system, we are currently using the"Windows Assist" feature of Windows to provide remote assistance. To enable this so we can help you take the following steps.

  1. We will arrange a time for the assistance. At that time we will send a 6 digit access code via email, WhatsApp or SMS.
  2. Click the Windows "Start" key, and type "Assist", the "Quick Assist" option will show as per image 1.
  3. The Quick Assist screen will open, type the 6 digit code we have sent you into the "Code from assistant" field in this screen. The "Share Screen" button will activate, click this and then say "yes" or "allow assistant to control my screen" in subsequent steps.
  4. Someone from Orixa will then be able to use your computer and attempt to make fixes for you.

Images showing the steps in the process

STEP 2 above: Accessing Quick Assist from the Start Menu  

STEP 3: Main screen of Quick Assist  


Note: Quick Assist is not super-reliable, but it works. Sometimes it randomly stops, in which case we may have to send a new 6 digit code, it is a good idea to have a WhatsApp link with us so we can message easily if there are issues.