Extending Your Orixa App

The topics below give worked examples of how to extend your App. 
Any "Developer Users" who has a high enough Security Level and understands the required steps can add Resources to an App. The Developer adds records to the "Resources" framework data-table, which include SQL and Pascal Scripts.
When your App runs, it reviews these Resources and adds features such as reports, charts, Worksurfaces, Rapid Entry Grids and Dashboards to an app.

Developer users can also extend an App by editing and adding records to the BusinessObjects framework data-table. They can edit the SQL that controls your BusinessObjects, changing the appearance of Edit-Forms and the data-fields which are present.

Developer users can also extend an App by adding Stored Procedures to your database and then write Descriptions within the Datbase Schema which surface these stored procedures within your App so that it can be triggered by users.