The Report Preview Window

When a report is run in the system to created a printed output or PDF the result is displayed in the Report Preview window, shown below.

Note that this window is opened as a new Tab in the system, and can be left open for as long as required. To close it, click the Close button in the main menu.

Report Preview Page  


  1. The Main Toolbar for the report preview window, which is described in more detail below, the "Close" button will close the preview, but it can be left open while the user does other work on the system.
  2. The main display area for the report.

The Report Preview Main Menu


Report Preview Page Toolbar  

Refresh, Navigation and Magnification

  1. Refresh: Click here to rerun the report and fetch fresh data from the database for the current report.
  2. Navigation buttons, click on these to move through the preview of the report.
  3. Magnification buttons, expand and contract the size of the report preview.

Report Preview Page Toolbar  


Other general menu options

  1. Show Thumbnails adds a visual display of all the pages of the report in thumbnail size on the left hand side of the preview screen.
  2. Find: Opens a search-box to find text within the report.
  3. Export, click here for a list of options to export the report preview to a permanent file on-disk.
  4. Page setup: Use this to alter the margins of the report.
  5. Print: Click here to send the report to a printer.


Report Preview Page Design Report  


Editing Options

Admin users of the system can click on "Design Report" (1) to open the report-designer, which allows full customization of all reports in the system. Details of how to use the Report Designer are covered in the "Administrator" section of the help documents.

Report Preview Export  


Export Options

As well as printing a paper version of your report, ORixa allows permanent export of the data in a selection of commonly used formats, including PDF, JPG Image, and HTML File.

Report Preview Find  


Find Button

When the find button is clicked (1), a small dialog window will apear to allow the user to navigate the document.

Report Preview Show Thumbnails  


Show Thumbnails

When the "Show Thumbnails" button is clicked (1) the preview window will add a small area with thumb-nail sized versions of the pages. The user can click on any one to jump to that page.