The System Menus

Orixa includes a standard menu. This document provides details of its operation, and shows where it can be extended and added to by Developers.

 The main system menu

System Entities Main Menu  

Elements of the main system menu

System Entities Resources Menu  


The "Reporting" item of the main-menu

The items on this menu open the system "Resources Tree" and a dialog-form for printer settings.

Full details of how to use the the "Resources Tree" is covered here: 

The Resources Treeview



System Entities Extras Menu    

The "Extras Menu"

The exact content of this menu will vary from system to system. The image shown on the left may not exactly match your system.

  • Log Off / On Status: Click here and the system will log you off (if you are connected) or log you back in if you have disconnected.
  • Show/Hide Application Message Log: The message log is the grey area that opens on the right-hand side of the system, showing messages. Click here to show / hide.
  • View Database Images Grid: This opens a grid containing all the images stored in your system, with options to search and find the specific image you want.
  • Search Emails / Addresses: Opens a list of system-saved email and address data for searching / finding records.
  • Close all open "Edit Windows": If your screen is crowded with large numbers of open windows floating above it, click here to close them all.

System Main Menu Recent Items  

Recent Items Menu

Click here to see the most recent 30 records you have viewed. Use this list to go back to a record you looked at recently without having to search for it.

The list is reset each time you restart the system.

System Entities Actions Menu    

The System "Actions" Menu

The contents of this menu are dependent on your system.

The list that is displayed here shows System Procedures that is special pieces of programming that your developer has added to your system.

The items in this list will vary from system to system depending on additions that have been made.

System Entities Data Trees Menu    

The System Data Trees Menu

The contents of this menu are dependent on your system.

Your developer can add "tree-views" to your system, which lay out the data in your system so you can work with it.

The details of what tree views are and how to work with them are detailed later in the help.

Any tree view that your develop has added will be listed here.

System Entities System Menu    

The System "System" Menu

This menu is only visible to higher level users of the system.

Its contents are detailed in the "Developer Guide" section of this manual here:

System Administrators Guide


Some examples of Context Menus

System Entities Analysis Context Menu  

The context menu of "Favourites" screen in System Entities

Note the item "Selected Content" allows you to show / hide categories of content, so you can customize it to show items you want.

System Entities Message Log Context Menu  

The context menu of the "messages" screen in System Entities

Whenever a system action takes place a grey-window containing messages from the system will open on the right-hand-side.

Right-click for the context menu for this screen. Note the "close/hide" option shown here.

The program "status bar"

Along the bottom of the system screen there is a grey bar, separated into sections. These show recent messages, a version number for your system, the current date / time, and the name of the person currently logged on (this should show your name).

Some parts of the status bar have their own context menus. These show system information.

System Entities Recent Messages  

Recent messages

As users move around the system "hints" display, to explain the purpose of different parts of the system. These hints are displayed on-screen, if you hold the mouse still, and are shown continuously in the status bar.

Right-click on the first section of the status bar (1.), and the 20 most recent hints can be viewed as shown (2.)

System Entities Version Info  

System Version information

Right click on the "version number" section of the status bar to see the details of the current system.

These can be useful to confirm that you are running the lastest version, and to check details such as the database connection you are using.