Explaining the "Problem Logging changes in EditHistory" error message 

In some situations the above error message may occur, as shown in the image below. When it does the system Administrator should update the UIDGenerator table.

Problem logging changes in EditHistory table  

When new records are created in an Orixa database a new value is pulled through from the UIDGenerator table. The details of this process are explained in the following help document:

The UID Generator Framework table

Please review this if you are not already familiar with how this process works.

If something happens which means that records are being added to an Orixa App and the UID used is already present, Orixa with automatically jump back to the UIDGenerator, and next the next UID. This means that the user will not see any obvious error, and all data will be posted as normal. 

However to surface the problem so that an administator can be aware of it, the error above is generated. This occurs because of the clash as Orixa tries to make note of the newly added record in the EditHistory table, and finds that the ID is not the number it was expecting.

When an administrator sees this error message on a system they should immediately review the UIDGenerator table, and switch the UID range to one which is not in use in another system.