Cloning old data from FMSys into EESys

Some sections of data in EESys build on dater in the older "FMSys", where it is useful this data can be imported. To do this follow the steps outlined below

Where the Products to be imported include "SupplyDetails" the Supplier of the Product must be imported first. As SupplyDetails include links to SupplierID, and if this LinkID is not present the importation process will fail.
Where the Products to be iimported include "SalesDetails" the Customer of the Product must be imported first for the same reasons.
Always check and make sure the Supplier/Customer of any product is imported before you try to import their Products/Ingredients 

Importing Suppliers and Customers


Copy the ID of a Supplier (or Customer or Product) from FMSys  

The first step with the importation is to find the ID of the record you want to import from FMSys.

  1. Open the Edit-Form showing the record. This could be an "Organisation" record or a "Products" record.
  2. Right click with the mouse on the "ID" field, and click "Copy to Clipboard"

Cloning Products People Organisations  

In EESys run the "CloneXXX" procedure

  1. Open the "Database Management Utility" in EESys, and click on "Functions / Procedures" in the Database Treeview.
  2. Go to the "Procedures" tab, and click on the Clone procedure you wish to use.
  3. Paste the ID copied from FMSys into the "aIDList" field.
  4. Click "Execute Procedure. This should result in the record(s) being copied between the 2 databases.

When the above procedures are run it is not necessary to always import items one-by-one. A number of IDs can be imported at the same time. Each ID just needs to be listed with a Comma inbetween.