Stepping through the FON Business Process from Purchases to Shipping
Once a farmer has been inspected, they can grow products which they process and then deliver to FON. The delivery of product is recorded in the Purchases Entity. Purchased products are processed, checked and sorted. These activities are recorded in the Production Entity. Once full processed, finished product is packed into boxes. This is recorded in the Boxing Entity, and these boxes are then listed in the Shipping Entity.
Purchases and Production
Purchases and Production Edit Forms
- The Purchases Edit Form. Note that useful data is recorded here, including the Quantity the farmer has delivered (Qty), a GoodsReceivedNote (GRN) number, the Product and any amount that was rejected prior to payment (SiteRejectQty). FONSys will automatically compute the amount owed to the farmer, and this can be used to make a payment.
- Some time later the purchased product may be sorted, cleaned and checked. At this point a Production record is created, and linked to the Purchases record. Other data is entered at the same time, including the name of the Finished Product (ProductsID) note that the Finished Product and the Purchased Product are not the same.
- Note that the QtyProduced (the output from the Sorting / Cleaning) and the QtyRejected match the Quantity Paid For. This is a simple check that the whole of the purchased quantity has been used up.
- During sorting any quality issues identified with the purchased product can be identified. This allows FON to keep track of which farmers are producing poor quality product.
Boxing and Shipping
Boxing and Shipping Edit Forms
The final steps of the FONSys production process record data for Boxing and Shipping products.
- Daily Boxing data is recorded by staff to verify the amount of each product that has been produced.
- When a container is shipped, Shipping data is added and all Boxes loaded into this container are linked as child data.
- Note that for these Entities the link runs "back" from the Shipping to Boxing, with many Boxing records being "children" of each Shipping record. The total "CartonCount" for a Shipping record will automatically add up to the sum of all cartons in the child records.
Because exact quantities packed into a shipping container may vary, and it is possible that some boxes from an individual days work might not be included in a shipment it is sometimes necessary to "split" Boxing data, so that records for one day can be added to two shipments.