Goods in, Stock Allocation and Stock Movement procedures 

When goods arrive at the warehouse they need to be booked in, checked, have batch-codes noted and be moved to specific locations in the warehhouse.

This document works through the steps in this process.

Goods In Note

It may be useful to print out a form which warehouse staff can fill in to permanently record arrival data on paper. To do this, take the following steps.

Goods In Note  

  1. Print the "Goods In Form"
  2. On each row add the Quantity Received.
  3. Make a note of BatchCodes for stock lines.
  4. Note Best Before Date of each item.
  5. Sign to confirm receipt, with date.
  6. Be sure to note and check the "PrivateComment", in case it raises important concerns.


(Note that if the existing Goods In Note design is not good enough, it can be extended by using the "Design Report" features of Orixa.)

Receiving Goods

Once Goods In is Complete, key data for each Item can be added. Click the "Mark Received" item on the Actions Menu, as shown in the image.

StockPurchases Mark Received Action  

This will open a "Received Grid" which allows key data to be entered, line by line.

Mark Received Grid  

  1. Enter the quantity received
  2. Enter the Best Before Date provided by the Supplier.
  3. List the Trace Codes of the items provided.

Once these steps are complete, click the "Post" button in the toolbar to update the data in the database.

If extra StockPurchaseItem lines are required

In some cases it may be necessary to split a single line from a StockPurchase into multiple lines.

In such a case, simply edit the StockPurchaseItems, adding additional lines, with the correct Quantity Ordered prior to undertaking the "Receiving Goods" step.

Allocating Stock to Locations in the Warehouse

Once goods have arrived, they need to be stored in the warehouse and their locations tracked for stock-keeping. To do this, undertake the following steps.

Stock Allocations  

  1. Double-click on the item to open its edit window.
  2. From the Actions Menu, select "Pick Stock Locations"
  3. Enter the quantities deposited in each location on the grid which opens.
  4. Note that the totals should match.

You have now completed the "Goods In Process", the next steps of the business for which you will need to add data to JTSSys are for Stock Movements, or Sales.

Refer to the Help items for these procedures if you need them.

Viewing Stock Allocations added for a Product

Stock Holdings and Locations of this Product  

Once new Stock Allocations data is added it will automatically be visible in the "Stock Holdings of this Product" Dashboard for a product.

  1. User has opened the Edit Window for "Eswatini Lime Marmalade"
  2. From the Dashboards Menu, select "Stock Holdings and locations of this Product"
  3. The newly added quantities are added to the grid.

Moving Products around the Warehouse

Adding a Stock Movement  

When stock is moved around the warehouse StockAllocations records must be added with the StockPurchaseItem that has been oved, its "FromLocation", "ToLocation" and Quantity.

  1.  Pick the StockPurchaseItem from the list.
  2. Enter the locations and quantity. Note that these will then update the "Stock Holdings and Locations of this product" grid.
  3. Be sure to select a StockAllocationsType of "MOVEMENT", to ensure that the record is treated correctly by the system.