Purchase Order Process
The following document walks step-by-step through the work process for JTS, from creation of a purchase order, through arrival of the goods, their allocation to locations in the warehouse, and then the process of creating a Sales Invoice, picking stock for it, dispatching and invoicing.
Adding a new StockPurchases record
The first step in the process of ordering stock is to add a new StockPurchases Record. There are 2 ways of doing this, detailed below.
Add New Stock Purchase, from StockPurchases Entity |
If the "StockPurchases" Edit Form is not open, find the "SystemEntities" screen, locate the "Stock Purchases, Stock Purchase Items" Entity, click the "Actions" button and select "Add New StockPurchases" (marked 1., in the image). |
Insert new Stock Purchase record, in Edit Window |
If the "StockPurchases" Edit Form is already open, Click the blue "+" button to add a new record (marked 1., in the image). |
Enter "Source", "Destination", "DateWanted" and "SupplierRef" (if needed)
The first step is to add a "parent" record to hold the details of the order. This is a record in the "StockPurchases" data-table. Remember to click the blue tick to "Post" the record when you finish editing it.
Data entry for Stock Purchase
- Select the name of the Supplier of the goods from the drop-down list beside the "SourceID" field.
- Select the name of the Destination of the goods from the drop-down list beside the "DestinationID" field. Note that the Destination is usually JTS. But it might be a different location, such as Moorheads or Granta.
- Select the Date JTS would like to receive the goods.
- If the Supplier usually expects some sort of reference (such as the code they use for JTS as a customer) add it to the "SupplierRef" field.
- Optionally, you can add a longer comment to the "SupplierComment" field, this will appear on the Purchase Order, for example details of expectations of shelf life for products etc.
- Optionally, you can add a longer comment to the "PrivateComment" field. This will not be seen by the Supplier, but can be seen by staff, for example at the Goods In stage. This field might be used to add text such as "check seals on bags as they may be broken".
Add StockPurchaseItems to list the Products which are being purchased, and their quantities.
The second step is to add "child" records for each item you wish to buy. Remember to click the blue tick to "Post" the records as you finish editing them. Repeat the following steps for each product you wish to buy. Once the StockPurchaseItems window is open you can click the blue "+" button to add a new record, or repeat step 1., below.
Add StockPurchaseItem |
Click on the "Add Items" button, and selecting "Add new StockPurchaseItems", as shown at 1., on the image. |
Entering StockPurchaseItem details |
A new Edit Form will open with the details of the StockPurchaseItem.
A Stock Purchase Ready to be sent to a Supplier
StockPurchase with 2 child "Item" records
The above image shows an example Stock Purchase record place with Eswatini Kitchen, with 2 Items, Lime Marmalade and Mixed Fruit Chutney.
- Individual items can be seen in the Grid at the bottom of the StockPurchase Edit Form.
- The Item-grid gives details of quantities and cost. Click any item to view it.
- The total value and total quantities ordered are automatically updated.
Generate the StockPurchase PDF
Print / Email Stock Purchase
Once you are happy with all the details of the StockPurchase, click the "Actions" button and either "Print Stock Purchase" or "Email Stock Purchase" from the menu, as shown at 1., in the image. Note there is also an option to save the Stock Purchase as a PDF.
Print Stock Purchase, and export
Print Preview of Purchase Order
The image shows the "Print Preview" of the Purchase Order, from this screen you can export direct to various formats including PDF. To do this click on the "Export" button marked 1., in the image.
Email Purchase Order
The easiest way to send a purchase order is to choose the "Email Purchase Order" action. If this menu-item is clicked JTSSys will look for email addresses linked to the Supplier selected in the "SourceID" and ask the user to choose which email-address to use for the email.
Email Purchase Order
- If "Email Purchase Order" is selected a window will open allowing you to tick people you want to receive the email, with attached PDF of the Purchase Order.
Autogenerated JTS Email
Email Edit Form
JTSSys will then generate an email, with the PDF of the Purchase Order as an attachment.
- Email is automatically named with the ID of the StockPurchases Record for reference.
- Email addresses chosen in the previous step are added as "WhoTo" and "EmailCCList" fields.
- Template content is added, the user can add to this if they wish, with any special additional instructions. Note that this template can be edited it is stored in the System Resources data-table.
- Link to the PDF. Note that this would usually be saved to a shared folder accessible to all staff.
Send Email
Once the user is happy with the Purchase Order they can send it, with the attached PDF by clicking "Send All Waiting Emails Now" as shown at 1., in the image above.
What Happens Next?
The StockPurchase record has now been added. JTSSys will hold it, and use it in all stock-computations. The goods will be shown as "On Order", allowing staff to plan for sales once they arrive. If there are updates relating to a Purchase Order (for example the date it is due to arrive might change) staff can update data on the Purchase Order, including adding Comments and FileNotes.
Once the goods actually arrive the Goods In procedure can be followed.