Mechanisms to store details of Crops per farmer and per field
The "FarmFields" data-table details the fields that are being cultivated by a farmer. When an inspection is carried out multiple data-records (one for each distinct field owned / farmed by the farmer) can be added as children to the inspection record, to store details of the farmer's fields.
The Farm-Fields Edit Form
FarmFields Edit Form
- If the plot has a "main crop" (traditional agriculture) this can be selected here. If the plot is a DAF plot with no main crop, leave this blank.
- If there are non-DAF "inter-crops" which need to be recorded for the inspection, record them here.
- Detail of the form of land tenure can be recorded.
- The size of the plot should also be recorded.
- Several fields can be used to detail the tree-planting (for a main crop, for a DAF field these do not need to be entered).
Adding DAF-Details to a Farm-Fields record
Adding DAFDetails
- From the "Add Extension" button, select "Add data for: DAFDetails" and a DAFDetails record will be created and associated with the current Farm-fields record.
DAF Details Edit Form
Once added the DAFDetails Edit Form will show, with multiple fields for data-entry. Each of the Green "types" edits contain lists of options that the ICS officer can pick.
Adding Data for individual crops to the Farm-fields data
Adding Farm Fields data
- In the Farm Fields Edit Form, click the "New Child" button, and click "Add new Fieldrops"
Individual Crop "FieldCrop" Edit Form
Entering Field-Crops data
- Once the "FieldCrops" record has been added and linked to the Farm-Fields record, select the Crop from the drop-down list.
- Other data such as Acreage etc., can then also be added to the record as needed by the Inspection process.
FarmFields FieldCrops Rapid Entry Grid
When a Field is audited the crops being grown should be added. For most fields this will just be one "main-crop" which can be selected directly in the FieldCrops Edit Form. However some farmers are adopting "DAF" growing practices, which means they grow many different crops. In these cases "FieldCrops" records should be added to monitor the presence of these crops.
To speed up data-entry a Rapid Entry Grid has been added.
Adding Multiple FieldCrops to a FarmFields Record
FarmFields Edit Form with "Add Field Crops" action visible
If the field is being used to grow one main crop, select this crop from the "MainCropID" list.
If there are a few "InterCrops" added with one main crop, add these in the "InterCropsIDList" Field, by clicking on the link, and selecting the items which appear.
If the field is a DAF field, with multiple harvested crops, click "Add Field Crops" as shown at 1., above.
Basic Check to continue Overwrite existing data? |
The system will check whether there are already "Field Crop" records linked to this FarmFields record, and give the user the option either cancel, or keep the existing records or over-write them with new ones.
FieldCrops Rapid Entry Grid |
Once the Rapid Entry Grid is open:
Note that the "Post" and "Post Single Record" buttons will only become active when the user has entered data. |
Newly entered data in the FieldCrops table | Once entry is complete you can see that the data has been added to the database, linked to the current "FarmFields" record. |