SQL Language Guide
Child items linked to this article
1. Background to Structured Query Language
2. Components of the SQL SELECT Statement
3. SQL SELECT extensions in Orixa
4. Useful websites for SQL language training or reference
6. Basics of SQL Functions and Procedures
7. Configuration Tables in the database and the Database Catalog
This section of the Help focuses on
How to write SQL Scripts which may be used in Orixa for the creation of Reports, Charts, Dashboards and Data-Cubes.
How to adapt and edit some of the meta-data SQL statements in Orixa to change how Orixa works for your business.
The database rules that underlay Orixa, and how you can alter the meta-data structure of your Orixa database successfully to extend it.
Basic aspects of SQL syntax are also covered, to give an introduction to this commonly used database-language. Note that there are extensive on-line tutorials on SQL, but SQL is a varied language with different dialects used by different databases. Orixa SQL conforms fully to the ISO-SQL standard, but there are some differences between Orixa SQL and SQL used in other databases.
Note that through-out this guide, where SQL is included you can cut and paste it from within the guide to use in your own scripts.
Tools for writing SQL in Orixa
If you want to write SQL in Orixa, the system helps to make it as easy as possible. While the sections following this one detail the SQL language other help items detail Tools in Orixa to help with SQL writing:
SQL Scripting "Syntax Editor" and "SQL builder"
Wherever SQL needs to be written in the system it is presented in code-editors which make editing and updating it easier.
Remember that it is seldom necessary to write SQL from scratch. There are almost always other SQL scripts saved in records within the system-tables which you can use as a starting point for something new. In many cases Orixa Edit Forms will include a "Duplicate This Record" Action, allowing you to directly duplicate one record so that you can repurpose or extend it.