The Communications Tree View

This part of the system is not available in all systems. It is added to systems which use the Communications data-table. If your system does not include this, the Tree view will not be present.
The Communications Tree View shows lists of emails sent by the system. These may have been written by you, or they may have been automatically generated by the system, for example in response to the creation of a sales-order.

Features of the Communications Tree View

Communications Treeview  

  1. The main "tree" area, click on the "+" signs to open lists of communications which have been sent and received in the system.
  2. The Communications Edit Form. Emails which are going to be sent can be composed here.
  3. The main tool-bar for the Communications Edit Form. Actions such as "Send Emails", "Print" etc., can be accessed from this tool bar.

For more details on the Communications Edit Form go to the following help-topic: 

Communications Edit Form

Features of the Communications Tree

Many of the basic features are duplicated in other "Tree Views" in the system, for example capabilities for searching or details of the number of records. Note that if you click anywhere on the tree and start to type the "Searching / Filtering" feature will activate.
The Communications Tree does have a specialized context menu, which is detailed below.

Communications Treeview Search  

Searching / Filtering the records in the tree 

If you type text into the Search-field (shown at 1. ) the "root nodes" of the tree will remain visible but "content nodes" will be excluded, unless they contain the search-text. As seen in this example, the search-text "Comm" has excluded all items from the tree except those relating to "Communications"

Other buttons on the tree toolbar, such as "£Refresh and "Expand" have straightforward functionality. Please experiment with these features to see what they do.

Communications Treeview Context Menu  

The Communications Tree Context Menu 

If you right-click on the Communications Tree a short menu opens which gives options. These are all fairly obvious in their function.

Note also the Recent Items button in the toolbar.

If you click on this button a list of recently opened records will be shown, allowing the user to "go back" to records they have recently visited, without having to find them again via searching.