View Grids
The system includes a powerful data-grid which allows viewing, searching, grouping and sorting of data it is similar to Excel, but in certain ways more powerful.
An important difference to Excel is that the main View Grids in the system are read-only. It is not possible to edit data in them. The reason for this is that system data is complex, and should always be edited within system Edit Forms. Editing data via Edit Forms allows complex data-structures and validation processes to be done, and provides useful tools for managing data. This is not possible when data is edited directly in a general purpose view-grid.
Key Features of View Grids
- Data is "Asynchronous". Remember Orixa is a multi-user system. The Grid-view will always show a fully accurate list of all the data in the database at the time the Grid-search is run. However in a larger system multiple users may be adding and editing data at any moment so a database is never static. For this reason a Grid-view may not be fully up-to-date. To be sure they are looking at the most up-to-date data, the user can always "refresh" the grid-view and see whether the data changes.
- View grids include multiple features to enable rapid location, viewing & summary of data, making them extremely powerful. Users will need a small amount of training to understand how to do this.
- Many aspects of the operation of View Grids are copied from general features of Windows. For example, if you select a number of rows of data in a grid and click "CONTROL + C" (the general command for "copy", the selected rows will be copied into the computer clip-board and can then be pasted into any other program.
View Grid: All features are described in detail below
- Tool buttons of the main menu of the view grid.
- Headers for the columns of data. Click on these to sort and filter the data in the grid.
- The "Grouping Panel" which allows dynamic grouping of data.
- The main Data-Search-box, used to return data from the database.
- The Local-Search-box. Once data has been returned, add text here and type, the grid data will immediately show only records that match searched values.
- The navigation bar, click the small "forward" and "back" buttons to move between records in the grid.
- Main data area(s) note that different column-types are shown with different colours: Green for "money" fields, Gray for "numbers" and a selected color for text fields.
The functioning of all the above elements of the grid is explained below.
Accessing and using View Grids
View Grid - Opening from Entities Screen |
From the main System Entities screen, find the BusinessObject you are interested in
Note that the list of searches may be grouped together under multiple headings if the BusinessObject is separated into master and extension parts. |
View Grid main view
The Grid-view will open, as shown in the image. If the search you have chosen includes some criteria (for example "Sales - Pick Date Range") then you may be prompted to enter some search-terms before the grid opens.
View Grid Search Box
The Search-Selection Box In the main toolbar, shown at 1. in the image above you will find the "Search Selection box. If you click on the down-arrow it will open, and show a list of the searches for the current BusinessObject. This list is the same as the one that shows on the System Entities screen
Local Search For a more detailed topic on searches in the view-grid look here: Orixa View Grid search features
Once data is returned using the Grid Search Box, data can be further filtered using the Local Search. Type any text in the local search box, shown at 1., in the attached image and press [Return] or click the search button. The whole of the grid will be searched for any occurance of the search text. Note that searches can be done with numbers as well as letters. This means you can search for money amounts and also dates. Note that when dates are searched, the local search expects the user to enter "Year-Month-Day" format, so to find the date 11/02/2022, the user would type "2022-02-11". To find all records for February 2022 the user would type "2022-02" |
View Grid Toolbar Print |
The "Printer" Button Use this button (1., in the image) to manually export any data in the view grid into a format that can be used outside of the system, such as an Excel (2. in the image) PDF or CSV file. Note the "Preview grid Printing" button. This launches a specialized print-preview system for paper printing of the contents of a grid. |
View Grid Toolbar View Menu |
The "View" Button This button includes a number of actions.
View Grid Filter Data |
The Filter-data dialog form Access this from the "View" Button, then click "Filter Data". This form allows more complex searches and filtering of data in the grid, for example filtering for a range of values or for part of a name.
Note that the View button includes a "Cancel Filter" action to remove filter criteria from the data you are viewing and return to a view of all the records you have in view. |
View Grid Toolbar Tools Menu |
The Tools Button This button gives access to a few commonly used settings that can be useful to change in the grid. Most of these are self explanitory, please play with the options in this menu to get the hang of what it can do. Note that once you have fully "set up" a grid so it shows the data you want, you can click "Save Settings" (1.) and the layout, grouping and visible columns for the grid will be saved. Remember that you can click-and drag a number of features of the grid to change them, for example you can change the order of the columns or the width of the columns just by clicking and dragging them with the mouse. Once you "Save Settings" all your changes including features such as whether columns are word-wrapped, column order etc., will be saved. One "look" is saved for each "Search" and is shared by all users. |
View Grid Grouping |
Using the "Group Panel" One of the most powerful features of the view grid is the ability to "group" data. This automates the creation of "headings" with the data below them.
View Grid Incremental Search |
Searching for records by typing
View Grid Filter from Heading |
Grid Column Filtering Each Grid-column heading includes a simple tool to allow dynamic filtering of data. This replicates a system common in Microsoft Excel, so users may already be familiar with it. When a user hovers the mouse over a column a small arrow icon appears in the top right corner of the column, as shown in the image below. Clicking on this arrow opens a list of all the different values in this column. In the example below, the list includes Regions of Ghana. Clicking on the items in this list shows only the selected items in the grid. An example of this can be seen marked "1." in the image on the left, where only Organisations from Abaam, Bomso and Kade have been ticked, so all other organisations have been excluded from the list. Note that when a dynamic filter of this type is added an indication of the filter is shown at the bottom of the grid. Clicking the "(All)" option at the top of the list automatically cancels the filter, and makes all records visible in the grid. |
View Grid Complex Analysis |
Using a grid to query financial data
Extra notes relating to Excel File Export
If you want to export data in the simplest possible format that is compatible with Excel, use the "Export to CSV File" option. This generates a simple text file with "Comma Separated Values" which can be accurately opened by all versions of Excel. The CSV format ignores all formating of data, column widths, colours etc.
If you want more control over the export process, and you want the output to include formatting and other Excel-friendly options, click "Export to Excel."
View Grid Toolbar Print |
To Export a data-grid to Excel First change the grid design so that it matches your needs. You can filter data to remove some rows, show or hide and change the width and position of columnns, and select row-ordering by clicking a column-header. Once this is complete:
Excel Spreadsheet "freeze rows and columns" form |
You will be asked to create a file on-disk, and given it a file-name. You will then be shown the "SpreadSheet Export Options" window, as shown in the image.
Excel file with "frozen" rows and columns |
If you have chosen a file-name for the excell file, the export process should run, and once complete you will be asked whether you want to "view the resulting Excel Sheet now." If you say "Yes" Excel should open, with your newly created spreadsheet displayed. If you have "frozen" one row and one column, these columns (the ones marked in red in the image) should remain permanently in view as you scroll through the data. |