The Orixa Server Program
If you use the full version of Orixa this will include running a Server Program on the main server computer you use to hold the database files.
The Server Program is a fairly simple utility program, which runs in the Windows "Task" area, and can be opened to view the status of active and inactive user-sessions. The server manages user sessions and requests to the database to minimize conflicts and locking. It allows multiple users to connect to the database.
In general it is only necessary to copy this program onto your server computer, set a few simple settings, and ensure that it runs at Windows Start-up, so that users can connect to it. Very little administration is required.
The main use for the Orixa Server is to show who is connected to your database, and to review its settings, version number etc.
Most SQL Scripts which make changes to your App can be run from the Orixa Database Utility. However because this Utility connects to the database in order to work, some basic actions can only be done within the Orixa Server. These include:
- Restoring the database from a backup file in case of data-corruption or data-loss.
- ALTERING and REPAIRING certain key tables which are locked in the Database Utility.
Neither of these actions are performed at all often, but when they are needed, consult the documentation at the end of this section for the necessary steps.
Basic Set up
If you run the Orixa Installer Program, it will undertake all the following steps automatically. The steps are laid out here, so it is possible to review and understand them.
- Copy the "OrxServer.exe" file into a folder on your computer. Usually, this is a sub-folder of the main "C:\[YourSystemName]"folder. "C:\[YourSystemName]\Utils is commonly used.
- Create an "OrxServer.ini" file, a text file containing basic settings for your system's database. Your Orixa Developer will set up this file for you, or the Orixa Installer Program will create one. An Example of the text in one of these files is detailed below.
- Set a number of settings in the Registry of your computer. These are set to make it harder for a hacker to infiltrate your system.
- Add a short-cut to the application created in step one, to Windows "Start-up" folder. This guarantees that the server will start every time the machine starts, allowing the database data to be accessed.
Base Application Folder |
The OrixServer.exe in the base folder of a system. |
OrxServer Ini File |
The "Ini" text file which contains basic settings of the Server. Fuller details of managing this file are laid out below. Note that this file is usually updated by changing settings in the OrxServer, which then saves the changes you have made, but if you want to make changes manually you can. If the computer will not run any Orixa App, just the OrxServer there is no need to add Registry Settings. |
Registry Settings for an Orixa App | The Registry Settings created by Orixa. These are only needed if the computer will run an Orixa App. Note these are all saved under: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Orixa\ (shown at 1., on the image). Each App has an entry for the AppName as a heading for its Registry Settings.
NOTE: Some of the settings (for example the Server Port) are duplicated in the "Registry Settings" and "Ini" file. This is because the OrxServer connect to multiple Apps, each App needs its own App-specific settings for database connection. Also, the App does not need to have access to the folder where the "Ini" file is stored, which might even be a on different computer.
The Orixa Server Management Program
Once the OrxServer is running on a computer, if its connection settings are correct and there is a local database it can connect to, it is "available." Users starting an Orixa App will connect to it, and then view the data on their device. The OrxServer does not need to be running on their computer, only on a computer that their device can connect to. Note that a slow data-connection will result in their Orixa App running slowly.
If the OrxServer is running on a computer, it will show as a small icon in the "Task Bar Notification Area." This is shown further down this document.
If there is a need to change or review settings for the OrxServer, this can be done by opening the Main Window of the program, which is shown below.
Orx Server Main Window
The above image shows a running version of the Orixa Server with 2 users connected.
- Main program window.
- Server Details information panel, which shows settings for the running instance of the database.
- User details, listed on the right. Click on one and it is highlighted in light-green and the details displayed on the bottom-left.
- Buttons to disconnect and remove a session. Note that the "Remove" button only becomes active after the "Disconnect" button has been clicked.
- User Connection details are shown. If users log-on or log-off this list will update.
- Status panel for the program, showing up-time and the number of active sessions.
Normal Operation: Accessing the OrxServer from Task-area
Orx Server in Task-area |
In normal use once running the Orixa Server will sit in the Server-computer's memory and wait for connections from users. You do not have to do anything, it will manage its own resources and activity. To see the Orixa Server's user interface:
Orx Server minimizing in-use |
Once you have finished looking at any aspect of the Orixa Server's operation, to return it to the Task-area:
Disconnecting and Removing Sessions
Orx Server Disconnect Session
From time to time you may want to remove a connected session. Simply click on the desired session, and click the "Disconnect Session" button (1.). Once disconnected, the "Remove Session" button will become active. If a user is Disconnected their connections to tables in the database are removed, and changes that they are making which are not posted are cancelled. However if a disconnected user starts working again their connection will be "refreshed", and you will see the "Connected" tick-box become ticked again (2.).
To stop a user from reconnecting, after clicking "Disconnect Session" click "Remove Session".
Settings for your Orixa Server
When communication occurs between your Orixa App and the Orixa Server the two programs communicate using standard computer protocols connecting via Ports, and IP Addresses.
Your Orixa App will need to know the IP Address of the server computer, and the Port number of the Server Program. The Server Program must have the Port-number set, as well as a few other variables. All these details are stored in a simple plain-text "Ini" file, in the same folder as the Server Program. You can edit this file directly using any text editor, or you can edit the settings from the "Server Settings" page of the Server Program.
The Server must be Stopped before settings are edited. New settings are adopted after the server is re-started.
Orixa Server Stopped |
To stop the server simply click on the "Stop Server" button on the right side of the user-interface (1.). Once stopped the button will change so it reads "Start Server" Any connected sessions will be removed, and the server will be marked as "Stopped" (1. bottom arrow) |
Orixa Server Edit Settings 1 |
To edit settings, once the server is stopped:
Orixa Server Edit Settings 2 |
Once Editing Settings:
OrxServer Ini File |
Manually editing the Ini File The settings saved in the server program are stored on-disk in a file with the extension ".ini". This is a simple plain-text file. All server settings can be set here directly, without opening the Server Program user-interface. However, new settings are only applied when the server starts so once edited it is important to restart the server if you want your changes to be used. |
Fully exiting the Orixa Server
Orx Server full exit
In normal use, once started the Orixa Server is minimized to the Windows task-area. The action of "closing" the program window does not switch it off, it simply minimizes it into the "task area" of your computer.
If you wish to completely close the server:
- Open the Orixa Server user-interface from the task-area, and click on the "Stop Server" button to stop the server.
- Click on the "Close Window" "X" in the top right-hand corner of the user-interface and then confirm that you wish to close. The server will shut down.
Note that you can re-start the Orixa Server at any time by simply double-clicking on the OrxServer.exe program wherever you have stored it on your computer. Once the Orixa Server is switched off, no connections are possible to your App's database.