

The Depots data-table a list of the locations where KKFU and KKL actually store cocoa which has been delivered by Zones who KKFU work with. It is an master data-table links to a number of other data-tables in the database.

It includes data-fields such as "ManagersID, to list the staff member of KKFU who runs the depot, and the "TransportAllowance" which gives the value in Cedi's of the budget the depot has for transportation.

A full listing of all the fields in the data-table with their purposes and any automation built into the App is laid out below. To fully understand the purpose of the data-fields please consult this.

All of the Depots KKFU work with are listed here.

How and when to access Depots

The edit form is accessible from the KKSys System Entities screen, and is shown below.

Depots edit form  

Linkages to the Depots entity

From the Depots Entity it is possible to see lists of linked data, and add linked data. The image above shows the "New Items" menu open in the Societies Entity, with the linked data that can be added.

Linkages to the Depots entity  


  1. Depots can link to the entities shown: Societies, PrimaryEvacuations, SecondaryEvacuations and Phones.
  2. The Depots entity is automatically linked to the Phones entity which is part of the Orixa framework, to allow storage of phone-numbers.


Field- Name and Data-type

Description / Purpose

Possible Values

Coding / Automation

ID (Primary Key) Unique number which identifies each record.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
Name (Text) Self explanitoryEntered by user
ReportingOrder (Integer) Self explanitoryEntered by user
ManagersID (Link-ID) Links to the Staff tableSelected from list by User
RegionsID (Link-ID) Links to the Regions tableSelected from list by UserWill default to the currently open Regions ID
CocoBodMark (Text) Self explanitoryEntered by user
TargetBags (Number) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0
DateCreated (Timestamp) Set to the exact date and time the record was first created.Automatically set by Orixa, not under the control of users or developers.
Current (true/false) Untick this field if the record is out-dated, no longer in use or discontinued.True / false Default value: true
TransportAllowance (Currency Value) Self explanitoryAny number value Default value: 0