The Orixa "Token Edit" Control
In other applications it is quite common to see a user-control where text is entered and items are created. For example with email-addresses in an email-writing application. The "Who To" field may be populated with email-addresses, but the user does not have to write these fully, they can add them by writing a few letters, and the control "auto-completes" the email-address.
Orixa duplicates this functionality with its "Token Edit" control, which is explained below.
Appearance of the Token Edit Control
Edit Form "Token Edit" Control
- A "who to" list, showing a single email address.
- A "cc list" field, showing 2 emails addresses.
- The user has typed the text "eq", and the Token Editor has used this token-text to search for other email addresses the user may want to use.
Using the Token Edit
Users should be able to use the token edit in an intuative way. When they type text in the field they should see items they want to pick, and when select one item from the list and the press "enter" this item will be added to the Token Edit's text.
To remove items the user can either click the "x" on each item, or put the cursor into the Token Edit and press "delete", or right click on the Token Edit and select "Clear" from the menu which appears. (This menu is shown at 1., in the image below).
The Token Edit holds two lists for the user to select from. A short list, which activates as soon as the user types any text, and a "full list" which the user can access by right-clicking on the Token Edit and selecting "Pick items from full list".
Token Edit Popup Menu