Adding and editing Farmer data
The short document below shows data entry for farmers, but note that it applies to all the Entities in FONSys. To add new data for any other Entity, follow the same steps, but start from whichever Entity you need to use.
Adding People and farmers
One of the first things you need to do with FONSys is to manage lists of farmers, and make inspections of farmers. To do this the farmer data first needs to be added to FONSys. To add new farmer data, take the following steps:
- Find the "People, Staff, Farmers" entity on the System Entities screen, and click "Actions".
- On the Actions menu, click "Add new People"
Notice there is no item "Add New Farmers", this is because all farmers are people. You will add "People" data first, and then extend this record by adding farmer data.
New People record
Editing People Data
- Enter the farmer's names.
- Pick Gender and PersonType from the drop-down lists.
- Pick the CBO this farmer is a member of from the Organisations drop-down list.
- Pick the Region where the farmer lives from the drop-down list.
- Once you are happy the data is correct, click the blue-tick to "Post" the data to the database. Once posted the data is permanently stored.
Extending the People data with Farmer (or Staff) data
Adding Farmer or Staff data to a People record
Once the Person's basic data has been entered (as shown above), to add Farmer or Staff data:
- Click on the extension button
- Click on "Add data for: Farmers"
Adding Farmer data
The image above shows the farmer edit-form, with some data added. Once data addition is complete again click the blue tick in the toolbar to post the record.
Once you have added one new record you can add additional records by clicking on the blue "+" sign in the People Edit-Form toolbar.
To add Staff data, undertake the same steps as shown above, but click "Add data for: Staff" after adding the basic "People" data.